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7 months In!

Wow. I've been a wife for 7 months.

7 months of change

7 months of joy

7 months of navigating new waters

7 months of learning new things about myself, and Kelsey too.

We've seen God's faithfulness to our union for 7 months now, and its a beautiful thing to look back on! A plethora of challenges, and an equal plethora of bliss. And a plethora of frustraion over trying to figure out budgets and meal planning.

Why didn't anyone tell me how hard that would be? There are some days where I just want to bang my head against a wall trying to figure out what Kels and I are going to eat that day/week. It's probably hard because we never really cooked prior to getting married. College = meals pre-planned for you in the dining hall and cash that's included in your tuition to eat it all! Boy was that an eye opener when it was all on us! Thankfully, God has been faithful and given us grace to maneauver financial waters, even if it meant that we ate out entirely too much our first few months of really dealing with meal planning.

I'd say we're getting better the more we keep at it.

My health specifically is the concern when it comes to eating healthy. Diabetes can be a very complicated issue when you're young and wanting to have a family one day. For me, keeping my blood sugar relatively low and losing weight is vital for me to have a healthy baby one day. I was also told that my body makes too much testoterone, which affects ovulation and fertility. Plus stress from school enhanced all of these health issues. By the time I was finished with the spring semester and found out the effects it had on my health, I was super overwhelmed!

I just praise God for always fighting my battles for me and for giving me a husband at this age to walk with me through this season. We're not the least bit discouraged, as God has already given us SOOO many dreams about our children. Sometimes we would dream about the exact same child on the exact same night. He's proven time and time again that He's faithful, that He's going to take care of us, and that everything is going to be okay. And I'm so glad to have a comforter like Him.

7 months in, and I'm amazed. I can't wait to see what God has planned for our marriage in the coming 5 months! I'm dreading spending 4 of them away from Kelsey, but we both know that God is orchestrating something amazing, and we'll continue to cling to Him when that time comes.

But for now, Summer is still on and I'm loving being with hubby 24/7!

Cheers to God's faithfulness and sovereignty!

Love, Ash

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